Saturday, February 16, 2008

Going Greeen;)

My blog in a completely new avatar from today.....;) I logged on to write my story for the week and I was not very happy seeing the bland background of the blog page (mustn't forget that I am wearing one of my finest (?;)creative caps since a week now;). So I thought let me get more organized first, learn some new tricks and tips to make this corner a little more brighter.
Here I come into green light from a bland background. But why green?!?!?! Surely there is a reason behind it...!!
As someone rightly said " Practice before you preach”, I thought let me “Go green” in my blog as a first step before I campaign my theme for the week Rescue Earth – Together. Wondering what’s behind going green and turning pink…he he he I assume you guessed that it is the theme for the creatively stuck week that it had been at my end.
Since I am all tired and done for the day after a hectic day@work :-(, would post the complete story tomorrow as a finishing note for a marvelous, meticulous yet very creatively satisfying week I had. Until then Cheerio....;))
~$,02/16/2008, 11:55pm

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