Sunday, May 16, 2010

A second beginning!!:)

After nearly 2 years, on a really boring day at work, I suddenly remembered about my blogging space. Went thru my very own old stories and had a little laugh at all those good and bad moments equally. This is exactly the very reason I started writing few years back.
Moments when being experienced leave happiness or bitterness at that point in time. But when they become experiences and become part of your history, they are such a joy to reflect upon. Had it been an old diary in a storeroom, it would have taken some time for me in clearing the cobwebs but now, everything is packaged in the same 15" webpage - old or new, Stale or fresh. So, I am hitting the keyboard and penning right away :)
I must say, writing this first blog is as tough as it was when I first started; but I am sure I shall soon catch up my pace and blog to glory....:)))

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sree the Baloo,
Baboo here.! Please keep writing! U are such a happy little thing!